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Discover Hundreds of Resources

Discover hundreds of video resources and tutorials created specifically for family caregivers like you. On the CareChannel site, you can find resources related to your specific caregiving needs. Are you feeling burnt out? Need some guidance on at-home medical care? Explore by topic to find exactly what you need. Available in English, French/Français, Spanish/Español, Punjabi/ਪੰਜਾਬੀ and Mandarin/普通话.


Ontario Caregiver Coalition 
Member Resources

A number of different organizations, groups, and websites exist in Ontario that can provide support and resources for family caregivers. Below is a list of starting points that family caregivers can contact to inquire about local services or to find peer support. This list is in no way exhaustive and you may have some local resources that currently exist in your area.

Federal Resources

Community Resources

Provincial Resources

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