2025 Ontario Election Toolkit
As the voice of caregivers in Ontario, we are calling on all parties to make caregivers a priority in this election.
The upcoming provincial election has been called to take place on Thursday, February 27th. This is a vital opportunity for caregivers to make our voices heard, and to push for real change. This is an earlier election than anticipated, so parties will not have the time to make traditional complete platforms or outreach to voters. As the parties make these decisions quickly, hearing from voters that these are the issues you care about and will help you decide who to vote for will mean they will be more likely to prioritize these issues during and after the election.
Your vote, and your voice, is the most powerful tool we have for making change. The stories of caregivers, and our passion to make a better system for those who come after us, can open minds and hearts, and prepare the way for a future in which caregivers are respected, valued, and truly supported.
To support you in making your voice heard in this election period, OCC’s Research and Advocacy Committee has prepared an Election Toolkit for Caregivers. The Toolkit is designed to make it easy for you to engage with political candidates in the ways that are most effective and comfortable for you,recognizing the many demands on your time.
Key Dates
Ontario Leaders' Northern Issues Debate: February 14
Advance Voting: February 20-22 from 10 AM to 8 PM (Actual days vary by location - check the Elections Ontario website)
Deadline to request your mail in ballot: February 21 at 6 PM
Election Day: February 27 (Polls open 9 AM - 9 PM)
Did you know you can also request a home visit or vote from a hospital?