Current Research Participation
Policy Guidelines for Engaging the
Ontario Caregiver Coalition with Research Studies
The Ontario Caregiver Coalition currently promotes research participation opportunities for studies likely to produce knowledge that benefits Ontario caregivers. We encourage researchers to consider the priorities of caregivers, and actively engage caregivers throughout all phases of the research cycle.
This policy outlines guidelines for researchers wishing to promote their research participation opportunities with the Ontario Caregiver Coalition. This policy is meant to promote transparency and reflect the collaborative nature of the relationships the Ontario Caregiver Coalition wishes to maintain with the research community.
The policy on the distribution of research surveys, letters of support, or any other support of research whether requests for in-kind contribution or participation of the Ontario Caregiver Coalition requires that the following pieces of information are sent for consideration to
The specific requests for support and/or actions and participation from the Ontario Caregiver Coalition
Posting/advertisement if applicable
Detailed research outline
How the outcomes of the research will affect Ontario Caregivers
Approved ethics review if appropriate
A summary of ethical issues
Any gains associated with research
A list of collaborators
Information on the timelines for data collection and who else is being approached to support the data collection.
All requests are evaluated for their alignment with the mission, vision, values and strategic priorities of the Ontario Caregiver Coalition, by the Research and Advocacy Subcommittee of the Ontario Caregiver Coalition.
For distribution of recruitment materials, given the high demand of requests, if approved, the distribution of the invitation message will be sent only once and potentially a second time depending on priorities for e-blast content at the time of the request.
We may charge a modest administrative fee to reflect the costs of providing the requested support. As a researcher, please also consider reciprocating by doing one or more of the following:
Offer an honorarium to the Ontario Caregiver Coalition to reflect the value of our contribution to your research
Support the Ontario Caregiver Coalition by becoming a member
Contribute a story about your research, or research in general, to our e-blasts
Present a webinar regarding the findings of your research which will be shared open access and can be linked
Volunteer your availability as an expert that the Ontario Caregiver Coalition can call on to present at a local community event
Past Research Participation