The Ontario Caregiver Coalition is excited to launch its 2024 Caregiver Survey.
We know caregivers in Ontario are struggling more than ever, and it’s important we make our concerns heard. The results of this Survey will shape our advocacy priorities, and those of our partners and friends, in the upcoming years. It builds on the successes of our 2020 Survey, which has been crucial in helping us to inform decision-makers about what caregivers most urgently need.
We want to get as many caregivers as possible participating in this survey, so our message for change is as strong as possible when we take it to elected officials. Please support change for caregivers in Ontario by completing the survey yourself and/or sharing it with your family, friends and networks. You can use the social media posts below to help share the news about our Survey.
The Survey will take just a few minutes to complete, but the results will have a strong collective impact for years to come.
To complete our survey online, please follow this link:
If you have technical difficulties, please contact us at ontariocaregivercoalitionocc@gmail.com to arrange to complete the survey by telephone interview.