Volunteer Week 2024
As a volunteer-driven organization, the Ontario Caregiver Coalition welcomes the opportunity to celebrate the amazing work of our many volunteers during Volunteer Week, which will be from April 14 – 20th, 2024.
From the beginning, the Ontario Caregiver Coalition has been built on the passion, skills and dedication of the volunteers who sit on our Board, people our Committees, help to develop our organization, and get engaged in our projects. Our volunteers inspire change by undertaking research, raising awareness about caregivers and caregiving, supporting collaboration with like-minded organizations, and connecting with decision-makers to in.
We have highlighted below just a few of our dedicated volunteers. Our thanks go out to all of our volunteers, past and present. We are building a better Ontario for caregivers, one voice at a time!
If you are interested in joining our movement for change, and want to find out more about opportunities to volunteer with the Ontario Caregiver Coalition, please reach out to us at ontariocaregivercoalitionocc@gmail.com. We will work with you to find a volunteer role that suits your skills, interests and availability.